The next day I went back to my appartment without informing anyone at home. I was so pissed off that I didn't even feel like going to college that day. Later in the evening Cyra n Avi came to my place n tried to cheer me up. Then my Mom's call came n it again ruined my mood. She told me that they have arranged a meeting for me with that guy. I was like WTF is wrong with my life. I remembered even 2days ago my life was just perfect. The day came, mom told me that she has already gave my phone no. to that guy n he will contact me in no minute. My phone rang n an unknown no. flashed on my phone's screen. I was sure that it was his no. I recieved the call n a husky voice said Hello I'm Sidharth...Oh no I didn't even cared to know his name ever before. I confirmed whether he was the guy. He confirmed it by saying "Ya". He told me that he will meet me at Hotel Taj at 1:30a.m. so that we get some scope to know each other. Then we bidded eachother goodbye n disconnected the phone, I actually sounded like a sulky teen during our conversation. I was least interested to meet that guy Sidharth. I wore a white dress n left bit earlier for reaching there in time but this traffic can make you late no matter when you have
started for your destination. Phew! I finally reached there but I am already half n hour late. I parked my car n rushed towards the entrance. I entered into the restraunt area of the hotel n I saw many people sitting there in formal wear I was confused as I had no clue how Sidharth looks like. Unfortunately I can't shout his name over there to know where he is. Suddenly my phone rang n it was Sidharth, I recieved the call n he said that he is sitting on the right cornered table. I could see a guy wearing grey coloured suit sitting on the place he has mentioned but I couldn't see his face from there. I went to that place n stood there still for a while. He hurriedly stood up from his chair n inquired whether I was alright. Though I nodded my head saying a yes but I was shocked because he doesn't at all look like the guy I have imagined. The first thing that I felt when I saw Sidharth was that he is my Mr.Right n I want him at any cost no matter what happens. May be this is what we call as love at first sight. We ordered our food n I started the coversation by apologising for being late. He said that it wasn't a big deal as the traffic over here sucks. He is bit reserved kind of person n talks very less. We both kept quiet as we didn't know what to talk about or we were just feeling shy. We had already completed the main course n was waiting for the desert when Sidharth broke the silent saying that he doesn't want this thing to go any further as he already has a girlfriend n today he came here to meet me just because his aunt has forced him to do so. I felt like my whole world turned upside down. My whole body was numb n I didn't know what to say. With a lot of difficulty I controlled my tears n said him that it doesn't really matter as even I was least interested about this whole marriage proposal thing. He seemed relived n apologised to me. I wanted to ran away from that place as soon as possible so I pretended that I had to go to the hospital urgently n left that place. Tears tripped down my cheeks. Avi was alwayz right that I will never get my Prince Charming as those are only possible in the fairytales not in real life. I still couldn't believe that a guy rejected me on my face, this was the very first time I felt the bitter feeling of getting rejected. I wondered that the girl whom he loves must be really lucky as she has my Mr.Right.
Monday, 24 June 2013
When life takes a new turn: Chapter 5
Saturday, 22 June 2013
When life takes a new turn: Chapter 4
Time flew like an arrow n with time Avi, Cyra, Anisha, Suraj n I became the closest buddy n the most popular group of the college. I n Avi won the best fresher title. I was in cloud 9 that time, these events made me more popular even among the seniors. Cyra became my next bestie after Avi, she was like my another sis with whom I could share all the girly probs. I n Cyra spent a lot of beautiful time together within these years, she has became an important part of my life now. I was the happiest person on earth when she found her soulmate, Arjun, Cyra's family friend's son. Avi n Sarala together filled my Mom's absence in this new town. I never thought that a careless n immature guy like Avi can ever be so responsible n behave so maturely. Its very true that people changes with time n Avi was the biggest example. This way 2 years passed n everyone got committed except me n Avi. I waited for my Mr.Right who will be the guy that every girl desires for ie. extremeley handsome, smart, intelligent, rich n so on. Avi used to laugh at me n tease me saying that I sound like a 5 year old girl who is waiting for her Prince Charming of the fairytales. But I ignored him n still believed that he will definitely come to my life one day. I completed my 3rd year in college, one day Mom called me all of a sudden n told me to come back home that day only, she didn't clearly told me what was wrong. I became really tensed n set on the way to home. I reached home and saw several cars were standing in front of my house I got more tensed. My heart beat became faster but then I took a deep breathe n rang the door bell. Our maid Maya opened the door n smiled at me as if I did a big favour to her by comming all the way back home. I went upstairs without asking her what was going on. I saw some people were sitting in the drawing room n Dad n uncle were talking to them. As soon as Mom saw me she grabbed my hand n took me to her room n gave me a saree to wear. I was really confused n asked Mom whats goin on over there n who were those people. She told me that they have came here to see me for their son. I was shocked n my mouth was wide opened. I came back to my senses n started shouting at her, my aunt came into the room hearing my voice n tried to make me understand but I was in a no state to listen to any of her words. Lastly Dad came n calmed me down. Finally Mom wrapped the saree around me n I was made to sit in front of those strangers with a fake smiling face. At first they started asking me some common questions like about my hobbies, likes n all but later ended up asking whether I'm ready for this proposal or not. I kept quiet but there was a big NO written on my face. After an hour of interrogation I was finally released, I straightly went to my room n locked the door. Tears bursted out of my eyes. I didn't want to get married so soon, I mean theres still lot of things left to do in life before getting into a prison named marriage that also without a possibility of parole. Mom n Dad were knocking my room's door but I opened the door after half n hour. My eyes were red and fluffy, it wasn't difficult for them to make out that I was crying. Mom n Dad started giving me lectures about how much marriage is important in life n I'm no more a kid so I should change my childish behaviour n blah blah. But I didn't utter a single word. I just heard two things about the guy ie. he has passed engineering from MIT n was a NRI. These two words were enough to make a complete picture of that guy. I was sure that he would definately be those geeky book worms. Mom even tried to show me his photo but I refused to see anything at that moment. Mom n Dad left my room like defeated soldiers marching off from the battle field. Later I made a conference call to Avi n Cyra n told everything that had happened, I expected some solution from them but unluckily even they were of no use. That night I went off to sleep without taking dinner. This was definitely the worst day of my life.
Friday, 21 June 2013
When life takes a new turn: Chapter 3
So I started the conversation with my benchmate first n came to know that her name is Cyra. She was friendly with me n my perception about her gradually changed. Then prof entered and started giving lectures about vaccines. It was a boring class. In the mean time we got a scope n went to the canteen area as we all were damn hungry. I, Avi, Cyra, Anisha( the girl who sat beside Avi) n Suraj( Avi's new friend) all sat on the same table. We first had an intro session n then started chichatting. After sometimes some seniors came to us n introduced themselves. We were tensed thinking whether they came here for ragging us. But fortunately they came out to be friendly n told us that we can ask them if we need any help. We became relaxed n concentrated on our sandwiches and cold drinks. There was a senior guy named Karan who was trying to be bit too friendly with me. And there Avi started rolling his eyes in a teasing manner. I really felt like giving Avi a face punch at that time. Finally the first day at the college ended with a final lecture. Before heading towards home we all( I,Cyra, Avi, Anisha n Suraj) exchanged our phone numbers. I drove my car outside the college gate n there i saw Dad waiting for me in his car. He gave me a smile n we drove to the new appartment. My appartment was on 6th floor, I rang the bell n there stood a mid aged woman. Dad told me that this is my new maid Sarala. I smiled at her n headed towards my room which was perfectly arranged by me n sis previously. I started missing home, Mom n sis already. When I reached out for my phone n went to call Mom I saw that there were already 11 missed calls from her. I hurriedly called her n told about each n everything that happened at college. Then Sarala called me n told me that Dad is going to leave so he wants to see me. Finally I bid goodbye to Dad n locked myself inside my room untill the dinner time came. I had my dinner n went back to my room. I was feeling lonely when suddenly my phone rang n it was Avi. I was never so happy seeing his call before. We talked for hours till we both felt sleepy. Before going to bed I recieved a good night message from Cyra, n I also wished her good night. Lastly I prayed to God to let things go as smoothly as its going now n went off to sleep.
Thursday, 20 June 2013
When life takes a new turn: Chapter 2
When life takes a new turn:Chapter 1

My favourite fashion pics :)

Its me
Being a teen is the most complicated phase of life trust me. As am still a teen I can very well understand how difficult it actually is. School, friends, family, studies, passion, love, heartbreaks and the list goes on, this is what a teen's life is. We are mainly confused at this phase like about our life, future and all. It feels like none in this world can understand us and we are all alone. This is the time when we fight with our parents the most :-/ I hate this part the most. The main reason for starting this blog is to share my feelings and share with you all what i like to do the most. Just like every teen I am also a music freak I mean a complete freak, crazy whatever you wanna call. The list of my favourite singers never ends. I am also very foody n love to cook. And ya fashion should be a very important part of everyone's life. I consider that first impression is the last impression, so we should be always prepared for everything. I think the best part about me is that am very friendly, I just love making friends :). Like any other teen I also love to dream big, I mean really big lolz. After music the one thing for which I can even die for is gadgets..they make my world :). So ending it here only. I know that my life is not perfect but i just love the way it is ;). My life rocks
Wednesday, 19 June 2013
My first post
So this is my very first post on my very first blog. Super excited ^_^