It was the day and only 2 hours for my flight. Rishi dropped me to the airport and gave me a hug. My dear Rishi acted like as if I'm leaving him forever. Finally he got bit serious and his last lines still struck my ears. "I hope you know what you're doing." I was left confused by hearing that as I couldn't get but I had to leave at that moment only as it was already the time of my flight. My excitement buried my confusions. I reached Delhi, a car was already waiting for me which lead me to a palacial building which the Rathores called their home. While entering through the main entrance I saw a black Rolls Royce car coming out through the gate the driver told me that it was Mr.Uday Rathore's car. The butler lead me to a huge room and told me to sit their as Abhinav wasn't back. I was left alone in the room till some maids came with large trays having snacks and juice. I waited there for two hours and finally I got off my seat and started exploring the room. The room was full of there family pictures in which I tried to spot Abhinav but none of the kids from that family potrait looked like him, it was bit strange though. Someone opened the door and the sound distracted me and I turned my head just to find out that it was none other than Abhinav.
"I hope I haven't made you wait for long."
-"No not at all." with a fake broad smile as I've waited for a minute or two.
He cut it short and called one of the housekeeper to keep my bag in guest room. He told me that he had another meeting to attend so he'll see me at the dinner. I went into my room which was also huge just like their other rooms and it also had a balcony which viewd the golf court amd their swimming pool. My excitement took over my tiredness and I went towards the balcony to have a view of the lush green lawn. After few minutes I had to turn my head towards the other end of the backyard and I could hear someone shouting. I saw a girl probably in her teens dressed in a robe was screaming at top of her voice at the maids for some reason and she left the place after that and the maids also followed her. I wondered what might be the reason for all that howling as I couldn't hear her properly. I even tried to guess who she might be as Abhinav had no sibbling. I really had very less knowledge about the Rathore's family other than Uday Rathore and ofcourse Abhinav. So I thought of googling about them other than sitting idle. So I placed myself and my laptop on that soft bed and opened the google page and typed ''Uday Rathore's family members''. I prefered to open the first link only and I finally got a probable answer who that girl was. She had to be the teenage daughter of Rajvir Rathore, Uday Rathore's younger and the only brother. And she ie. Tasha seemed to be quite spoilt according to the google reports. I got interrupted as I recieved a call for my Mom as I promised to call her after I'd land in Delhi but as always I forgot. I was in a usual mother-daughter chat when I had to disconnected my phone as some loud noises of breaking glasswares and other things shook the whole Rathore Bhaban. I rushed towards the balcony just attempt to make out stuffs that was going on in the house. It didn't take much time for me to figure out that it was coming from Tasha's room which was just to 2 rooms away from mine. The whole thing shook me a bit and I tried to make myself believe that it won't be that tough for me to survive a whole month in the Rathore Bhaban without creating much trouble *fingers crossed for that*.
Monday, 2 December 2013
Because I loved you: Chapter 11
Saturday, 30 November 2013
Because I loved you: Chapter 10
My life became boring, I felt that something in my life was missing. Rishi was always there for me but still I felt empty somewhere. I was back to my normal life but I wasn't happy. I couldn't concentrate on my studies either. I didn't want to bother Abhinav every time I needed help in studies afterall he was lot more busier back in Delhi. A week later Abhinav called me to ask me about my studies, I lied to him saying everything was going just great though in real I desperately needed help. He asked me when was my next exam and I told him that I had an exam next month only. I was worried because I was not at all prepared for the exam this time. My exams were worst than ever. After few weeks the results were out and mine was a disaster. Rishi tried his every bit to console me and I could clearly see how much he was worried for me. I was feeling low, I sat in a corner of my bed and sobbed the whole day, I wanted Abhinav back to fix everything right. Then only I got a call from Abhinav, he called me to know my result. I stammered for a while as I knew that he would be greatly disappointed hearing that. I finally gulped the lump down my throat and told him all the truth. He was literally furious at me and asked me why I didn't tell him that I was having problems with my chapters. So he ended up deciding that I'll be flying to Delhi during my summer vaccation so that he can take care of my studies personally. I was excited and badly wanted to meet him. I asked my parents about going to Delhi and they gave me permission almost instantly may be they thought that it was the only hope left. Rishi was very much suspicious when he came to know that I am going to Delhi for a month and that too Abhinav asked me to do so. I lied to him saying that he had some work for me. I was super excited and took Mehak for doing some shopping as I desperately needed to upgrade my wardrobe before leaving for Delhi. We shopped till we dropped. I was on my way to home when I had to stop my car for a while as the signal turned red and I was looking around to pass those 30seonds when I suddenly noticed Rishi sitting with someone in a cafe, it was a girl and I could only see her back. I tried a lot to peep from my car's window oscillating my head from left to right to get a glance of her face but I failed as the signal turned green and the cars behind me started blowing their annoying horns. I was totally disappointed as Rishi never hid anything from me. I knew everything about starting from his first crush and now if he is seeing someone its not a big deal to tell me about that. I was angry on him, I didn't recieve his call nor did I give any reply to his texts untill he suddenly rang my door bell just before the day I was supposed leave for Delhi. I opened the door giving him a cold expression but he reacted like nothing really happened and that made me more annoyed. I couldn't control and ended up asking about the girl with whom I saw him at the cafe. Hearing that he moved a bit as he wasn't expecting that to hear from me. He gave totally an irrevelant answer. He tried to divert me and assure me that he was not dating anyone. That was the only part that made me feel that may be he wasn't lying about that but the rest was bit confusing. I knew that Rishi was hiding something from me.
Friday, 29 November 2013
Because I loved you: Chapter 9
So I thought a lot and finally decided to stick to a simple plan. I planned to send him a bouquet of white roses with a thank you card. Next day I went for work and I opted to courier it to him rather giving it directly to him as I wanted to see his expressions, I didn't even write my name on the card. I was in Abhinav's room at that time when Malini came in and told Abhinav that there was a courier for him but when he enquired what was it Malini stammered a bit and went away without giving any proper answer. After few minutes later a man brought the bouquet of white roses. I was really excited just like a little girl gets excited while opening her birthday present. I eagerly waited for Abhinav's expressions but the result was quite unexpected his face became pale seeing the bouquet he came closer to it and took it in his hand. He stood still holding the bouquet and then all of a sudden he threw it on the floor and ordered to remove it from his eyes at once. I was really shocked and nearly had a mini heartattack seeing his reaction. Malini opened the card which was still lying on the table but couln't get a clue about the person who had sent it. I thanked God for not making me take that stupid step of writing my name on it, God saved my life orelse I'd have been so dead by then. Abhinav seemed quite disturbed so I silently slipped the file and got out of the room. I could see many people were already gathered with eyes full of curiosity to know what went wrong inside. I preffered to pass them than to answer. When I went back to the room where I was working Rishi rushed towards me with the same question. I briefly told him what happened but hid it from him that I was the one who has sent those roses. I went back home but the incident was revolving around my head, I was also felt guilty for making Abhinav upset and I didn't have the guts for telling him the truth. The next day I decided to go to Abhinav and tell him all the truth afterall I had no intention to hurt him. When I went to the hotel everyone seemed busier than ever. I headed towards Abhinav's room where I saw even more securities. My heart skipped a bit seeing all these. I was worried if Abhinav was alright. I tried to get in but the guards didn't allow me. Then I saw Malini entering into the room when I stopped her in the middle just to know what was going on. She told me that Abhinav wasn't well so they are returning to Delhi by the evening flight. They were supposed to leave for Delhi after 2weeks but they preponed that. I never liked Abhinav much but when I heard him leaving it bothered me as somewhere felt I was responsible for all that was going on, my stupid idea of thanking Abhinav screwed it all. It was his last day and I wanted to talk to him so I somehow convinced Malini to let me in giving silly reasons. I went in and Abhinav's face clearly showed that he was pretty surprised by my unexpected presence. Malini left the room after she was done with her work. There was an awkward silence in room when Abhinav broke the silence by asking me the reason of dropping there at that odd hour. I had no reason nor I could say the truth. I stammered for a while and ended up saying that my next session will start soon and I wished if I had him as my tutor once again as I didn't want repeat the past regarding my studies. He kept quiet for a while and told that I could skype him whenever I'll need. I was happy thinking that atleast we wont end up being strangers again but still he wont be with me as person. I returned to my appartment and the flashes of memories with Abhinav were coming in front of me. They were making me restless. I looked at the clock still 2hours were left for his flight. I wanted to say him Bye and wanted to hear his voice for the last time before leaves. I closed my eyes and tried to divert my mind when suddenly my phone rang and it was Abhinav. Within a flash of second I recieved the call. He called me to say just some boring stuffs regarding my studies which were not at all that important. He ended the call with a simple bye but I wished if the conversation lasted a bit longer.
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
Because I loved you: Chapter 8
So my tuitions with Mr.Hitler Abinav started. Though he seemed to be better since that night. He was superb as a teacher. I continued with my regular college-work-classes schedule. I made sure that everything was normal again between me and Rishi amd that happened, we were back as BFFs. Though we behaved all normal but still there was something which made me keep my classes with Abhinav a secret from him. Though Rishi could sense my 'Not at all Normal' behaviour but he never asked me the reason, may be didn't want to spoil our friendship anymore. 3 months just passed away like a blink of an eye it was the day of my exam and I was having nerves. I was feeling all numb when I suddenly saw my cell ringing. The call was from Abhinav, I recieved the call and pretended to be all cool about the exam but he caught me. He did his best to make me confident. It felt good, I didn't wanted to end the conversation but the invigilator came inside the room and unwillingly I had to hung up. The exam started and Rishi was late, I couldn't concentrate on my paper as I was worried and busy guessing the possible reasons why Rishi was gettinh that late. He finally turned up and gave me a 'Everything is Okay' smile. I was happy to see him and finally I could concentrate on the paper. I gave answer to each question the best way I could. My exams went well actually they were a lot better than my previous exams, but Rishi was not satisfied with his papers. It wasn't anything new he always gives that serious expression after every exam and finally turns out to be the topper. Days passed pretty well and the day came which always used to be my nightmare, the results of exams were to be out. I wasn't worried about my results this time because I knew that I'll easily pass this time and Abhinav's efforts wont go to waste. I drove to the college, I saw Rishi coming towards me with a broad smile sticking to his face and repeated his same old line,
"Guess what" and he dragged me to see the list. It was quite obvious that he has again topped and his joy had no boundaries but I was worried as I couldn't find my name on the list.
-"Thats no way possible I can't fail." and tears rolled down my cheeks when Rishi suddenly called out my name from the list loudly. Rishi gave me a tight hug and then showed my name just below two ranks from Rishi. I stood still there for a while as I couldn't believe on my eyes. And when I got back my senses I was already in cloud 9. I excused myself and the first thing that I did was to call Abhinav and thank him a million times. When he heard the news I could clearly feel hearing his voice that he was extremely happy. I called my parents and they were even happier than me. After completing my calls I went to Rishi and congratulated him and he did the same back. Our friends, just like a pack of hungry wolves demanded a treat from us to which we both happily agreed afterall it was celebration time. I got back home and started thinking that just saying thanks was not enough to show my gratefulness so I started thinking hard to thank him in Rayesha's style.
Friday, 22 November 2013
Because I loved you: Chapter 7
So I finally texted Abhinav that I'll be going to the party. He instantly texted me back the time when he'll come to pick me up. I unwillingly picked up a dress and got ready. The clock stroke 7pm and I could hear the horn of a car, it wasn't hard for me to sense that it was Abhinav. When I came down I saw the chauffeur standing outside and he opened the door of the car for me, Abhinav was already sitting on the backseat. He was busy checking his phone and totally ignored me. That wasn't disappointing after all he is that Hitler kinda. All the way till we reached the venue I regretted for my decision. When we stepped out of the car we were surrounded by a pretty big crowd the host welcomed us to the party and the guards made the way clear for us. Everyone was awkwardly looking at me. "Who is the girl with Mr.Rathore?", that was the only topic of gossip of the party. Abhinav didn't want to create any more confusions so he cleared them that I just work for him. Still I overheard people talking only about us. We were treated like a precious thing and the host of the party Mr.Singh didn't leave us out his sight even for once. Abhinav sat on the couch and talked with the men whom Mr.Singh introduced him with. I was always a party animal and it was the first time that I was just sitting and looking at people getting high and dancing hard on the tracks. Abhinav might had sensed my intense desire of going to dance floor and shake my leg so he told me that I can go and join others on the dance floor if I want. I was just waiting for that as soon as I got the green signal from Abhinav I rushed to the dance floor and danced till my feet ache .After sometime the Dj switched to the slow and romantic tracks for the couples. I was rather feeling uncomfortable staying there for long among the couples who were getting cozy. I returned back and secured a place beside Abhinav. A guy came and asked me for dance but I refused. I never liked dancing with strangers since my middle school Rishi was my only dancing partner since then. I missed him badly at that time.
" Why did you come back? Go and enjoy the party.", said Abhinav seeing my frown face.
-" Nah I just don't like dancing with the strangers.", I tried to cut short saying that.
-" But whats wrong with you? Don't you ever enjoy? Why do you like so much pretending to be an oldie?"
He finally gave a smile hearing that. Then he raised up and forwarded his right hand towards me and he asked, "Rayesha Roy will you like to have a dance with me?"
That instantly enlightened my mood and I followed him, " Ya,sure."
We went where all the couples were dancing and they made place for us to dance. We danced on the the tracks played by the Dj. And I never imagined that Abhinav could dance that well. I was lost in that moment for a while when we both noticed that all the couples had stopped dancing and they were busy looking at both of us dance. It was an awkward moment for both of us so we again got back to our seat. Everyone came and praised our act. The dance actually hit their topic for gossip once more. Finally Abhinav had a final chat with Mr.Singh and we left. Abhinav seemed to be in a light mood so I finally asked the question which was craving inside me for a long time.
- " Abhinav may I ask you something?"
"Ya ask."
- "Umm" I stammered a bit before asking, finally I gathered all my guts and asked him ," Why do you hate me so much?"
He looked at me weirdly for a while and said," I don't hate you."
-"Then why do you always treat me so badly."
"But I didn't behave with you badly today. Did I?"
-" No you didn't but you always do remember that day when you yelled at me without any reason."
"There was enough reason, you badly needed to change your carefree and irresponsible nature, you take everything for granted."
- "Did Rishi tell you that I was irresponsible? Is he the one who made me so bad in your eyes?"
"What? Do you even know what you are talking about? Rishi is your true friend who cares for you and he is no way related to all these. He just asked me to not to pressurize you with loads of work and to leave you earlier so that you can go back home and study. But I guess he trusts you way too much. He was also worried about you so I tried to help him by changing you."
-"Change me like that? Who the hell on earth does that for changing a person?"
" Fine I'm sorry, I guess I got carried away with that a way too much. On the first day of work I took away Rishi to another room just to tell him to remain indifferent and let me do stuffs on my own way, so he pretended to be unaffected but he always kept telling me that he can't see you getting hurt. I know that things are not good between you and Rishi but you two should sought it out. And start concentrating on your studies."
-"Okay fine, you weren't that wrong you actually somehow helped me to gain all new interest on studies but still its pretty hard."
"Fine let me repent for my mistakes. I also had the same stream in Engineering so I can help you with your studies if you want."
I readily agreed to it because I knew that I can never get a better tutor than him. I was already feeling a lot guilty for behaving like that to Rishi and I didn't want to disappoint him anymore. Everything that happened actually made feel that Abhinav wasn't that bad.
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
Because I loved you: Chapter 6
The next day I went to the college but tried to avoid Rishi. After the college I went for work. When Abhinav saw me he gave an awkward look as if he wasn't expecting me there. I remained indifferent and did the works I was told to do without complaining. My friendship with Rishi was almost coming to an end, I hardly talked to him both in college and during work. But Rishi didn't give up he asked me almost everyday the reason for my this kinda behaviour but I kept quiet about it. A month passed and I got my first salary, it was a lot better than I expected. I could've never got this amount of cash even if I'd have done a full time job. Finally the Durga Pujas came and I had lots of plans with my friends but Abhinav again became the vamp of my life and didn't accepted my leave as I'd already taken a leave of 3 days last month. Rishi also requested to Abhinav for granting my leave but he firmly sticked to his decision. It was Saptami and I saw people on the street all dressed up in their best attire and going for pandal hopping. The sounds of the dhak reminded me that this was my first puja away from my family and Rishi. I missed them. When I reached hotel it was full of guests but I could hardly see any employee the ones who were there was Abhinav's PA Malini, the guards and some other unfortunate employees. Malini gave me a huge mountain of papers and told me that Mr.Rathore has asked me to fill them. This was impossible, I can't complete it in few hours even if I fill this up staying awake the whole night even then it wont end. I was alone in the room till Abhinav came in and sat in a corner of the room much far away from the place where I was sitting. 2hours passed I couldn't concentrate on the work as my mind was somewhere else. There was an awkward silence in the room before I broke down all of a sudden infront of him complaining and blaming him for making my life a hell. But he seemed to be unaffected by my reactions. He stared at me for a while and when I stopped and calmed down he searched something in the shelves came towards me and gave me an envelope. I had no idea what was inside that envelope. When I opened it there was a party invitation inside. I looked at him with a big question mark on my face. "Why the hell did he give me this?" that was the only thing that was running inside my head then.
"Thats a party invitation which got a week back. I don't like parties so if you want you can go with your friends tomorrow over there and I'm also giving you a leave for that."
-"I don't need it, none of my friends are in town. Thanks for showing your sympathy."
And I left that card on the desk, I seriously had no interest in staying back in the hotel any longer and do all those boring works so I took a bundle of papers from those piles and kept them safely inside my bag and left. The next day I got a call from Abhinav I thought may be he called me to cancel my leave as I'm not going to the party. So unwillingly I picked up his call.Without even saying a Hello or a Good morning he started,"Well if you don't have anyone to accompany you to the party then we can go together."
I couldn't believe if I was hearing it right, I never expected that a guy like Abhinav would ever say that. I was just thinking of saying a straight NO to his face but on the second thought I was bit worried what if my this NO creates further trouble. Abhinav can make my life even more miserable because of this NO.
-"I don't know, I just need some time for thinking about it. I'll let you know about it within the afternoon." and I hung up the phone saying that.
Because I loved you: Chapter 5
Rishi finally came and when he entered into the room his eyes were wide opened seeing me bending down on knees and collecting pieces of papers which were scattered on the floor. As soon as Abhinav saw Rishi he took him into a room for some personal talk. When they finally came out he just told me that Abhinav has given him some work for which he has to leave. So Rishi left me with that Hitler without even asking me for once why I was doing all those works of a servant. A week passed and Abhinav's behaviour towards me was getting worse. But he was all normal with Rishi infact Rishi was was given all the important works. This was so unfair. I could no longer supress my anger so I went straight into the room where Abhinav was checking out some files and asked him the reason for his this kinda behaviour towards me.
Hearing that he almost yelled at me saying,"Well what more do you expect? You are good for nothing I gave you those works that suited you the best."
I was taken aback for a while by his this kinda reaction. I never expected that he would talk to me like that despite of the fact that I did no harm to him.
"Do you know whats in these files."
And he threw the file which was he was going through on the table directing it towards me. I took the file and saw that it had my college report cards which had my worst marks.
"Getting into a reputed college just by luck doesn't mean that you've earned just enough in life. I know that you are going to drop out from the college pretty soon after all parties and alcohols are more important than studies. And I know just because of your big ego you will not even come here from the next day. But I really don't care there are hundreds of people infacts thousands to replace you..."
I couldn't held back my tears and rushed out of that room.
-"How can he talk to me like that? Who is he to get bothered of my low marks? He isn't my Dad nor my brother, he is just a bloody no one."
I hated him more than ever now but I promised to myself that I'll prove him that I was better than anyone and he himself will admit it someday. But somewhere I felt that Rishi was some way related to all that happened. For 3days I locked myself in my room and kept my phone switched off, I didn't go to the college nor for work. I was angry, sad, disappointed, broken and frustrated I didn't know what to do this was for the first time that I was so lost but had no one around me. My eyes fell on those untouched piles of books on my study table and felt that may be Abhinav was right I was good for nothing. My parents had so many dreams for me and I was just spoiling there every single effort. I was sorry for my careless attitude and regretted for the time I wasted. I took a book from that stack and started reading. The chapters which were always my nightmares felt quite interesting then. I studied that whole night for the first time since I joined the college. The next when I switched on my phone and I saw numerous messages and hundreds of call from Rishi and few from my other friends also. But I was still not ready to forgive Rishi cause I knew that he played a major part in screwing my life.
Sunday, 17 November 2013
Because I loved you: Chapter 4
I drove to Taj Bengal hotel and parked Sparky in the parking lot. Sparky was the name given by me to my BMW which I got on my 18th birthday and I fell in love with it the very first day. I and Rishi always faught over the topic that whose car was better my Sparky or his Audi.
When I reached near the entrance I saw Rishi was already standing there, waiting for me. He told me that Rakesh uncle was inside and then a guard escorted us to the room in front which there were lots of securities. Rakesh uncle was inside with Abhinav, the CM and some other men. When we were entering the room I was bit nervous and the first person on whom my eyes fell on was Abhinav Rathore, this 25 year old guy was like 6 feet tall and his physical appearance was almost perfect, as a whole he was a strikingly handsome man but that didn't affect me much as I wasn't that kinda girl who would fall for a guy just because of his good looks. He was talking on the phone then but ended his call after seeing us. Uncle introduced us to him. He warmly greeted us. Then both Mr.Ghosal and Rakesh uncle made us clear about the whole procedure of the work which seemed to be pretty easy though. They gave us some files which had all the informations regarding the campaign and told us to go through that then only. Uncle left with the CM after half an hour as he had a meeting to attend. After we completed reading that file Mr.Ghosal came to us and gave us a quite long lecture about the roles that a youth should play for his country's development. I was so bored that I almost yawned but Rishi listened to his whole speech with interest. I was looking around just to get rid of my boredom when Mr. Rathore walked into the room and told Mr. Ghosal that he personally wants to talk to us. I was really not interested to hear any more speeches so i was literally bit scared cause this time if its another boring speech then I'll definitely fall asleep. Mr. Ghosal left and only we three were there in the room. He dragged the chair in front of us as if we did a crime and he is going to interrogate us. So finally he started,"I think you know that I'm new to politics and I need to learn a lot now. I admit that I need the youth support but..."
"But what?", Rishi instantly asked.
"But I think you guys are still kids and won't be able to handle all those big stuffs. So I wanted you two to start with some basic works."
I was so mad at him how dare he called us kids. Have he ever thought that in front of all those politicians who are mainly oldies he is not even a kid but an infant. This guy is so full of attitude, how can he even think of becoming a PM in future.
"You guys can go now. See you tomorrow then." and he stood up and left the room. I drove back to my apartment and after having my dinner I called Rishi.
"Hey whats up? Why did you call"
-"I just wanted to talk to my best frenemy do I always need a reason for that?"
"But you never call without a reason", he chuckled.
-"Okay whatever, I wanted to talk about that Abhinav Rathore."
"Ooooh Abhinav Rathore huh? Okay now don't tell me that you fell in love with that guy on the first sight. Wow it would be really cool to have a jiju who will be a PM in future...great choice Ray", he chuckled again.
-"Shut up you monkey make your sister fall for that Mr.Attitude so that you can call him your jiju. I'm least interested."
"Okay Okay fine just chill I was just kidding."
"You know that I hate all these, I hate you." and I hung up.
Rishi called me back but I wasn't in a mood to listen all his pointless jokes. It was the next day and was officially the first day of my work I didn't talk to Rishi in college and I drove to the Hotel before him without even informing him once. I saw Mr.Rathore was going through some files and when he saw me he coldly asked me rather ordered me to bring a cup of coffee for him. This was unexpected, I don't mind bringing coffee for someone but I'd have liked it more if he'd have asked me for that bit politely. When I gave his coffee, he further ordered me with that same attitude to collect all the scrambled papers from the floor and throw them into the dustbin. Okay that was too much he was treating me as if I was his maid. No one ever made me do these kinda work nor treated me like this. I didn't say a word and did what I was instructed without uttering a single word. I regretted for coming over there before Rishi and leaving him the college. At that time I desperately wanted him to come soon for my rescue.
Because I loved you: Chapter 3
"You guys have to help him in these campaigning issues. You guys are young and can easily convince other people of your age group to come forward and help for the campaign and to support Mr.Rathore. He will be staying in Kolkata for some time and I want you two to be with him and help him. You know that I trust you two and I personally want to make sure that Mr.Rathore gets full support from all of us as I deeply believe that he is going to be a great leader in future". And uncle finally completed. After hearing this I didn't want to say a No straight on his face so I made a excuse of having exams and studies. Hearing this Rishi gave me a sarcastic smile and said " Since when did you care so much about studies? And 3 months are still left for the exam." I seriously wanted to punch his face hard but unfortunately the situation and the place was inappropriate. Uncle just looked at me and said "Don't worry so much it would take an hour or so everyday after your college gets over. And Rishi will help you with your studies, if you guys want I can also arrange for a tutor. But the main thing before your exam will be the Durga Puja and when I was in college I remember how badly I needed money during the pujas for shopping and all." I know what he meant and that lifted up my mood instantly. " You mean to say we will get salary for this?", I said giving a broad smile. I seriously needed money as Dad took away all my credit cards for not doing well in exams but this was a good oppurtinity for me to earn some cash. "I am in",I said with lots of excitement. "Me too", Rishi followed. We both were happy but more to hear that salary part and readily agreed for doing the job. Uncle gave an even broader smile as if he has completed a big mission. "So you guys can start from tommorow after college." I was happy and also bit excited for my new job. The next day I got Rishi's text that he has some work so he will be leaving earlier and he texted me the name of the hotel where Abhinav Rathore was staying and told me to meet him there only after the college gets over.
Saturday, 16 November 2013
Because I loved you: Chapter 2
Within the next half an hour Rishi was there to pick me up. I got into the car and we headed towards the Writers building, where uncle worked as the joint secretary. When we reached there the peon told us to sit in the waiting room as uncle was in a meeting. There was an awkward silence and Rishi was busy playing angrybirds. It was rather a boring thing to do watching all those government employees passing every now and then. In the next 20 mins I also saw some men in complete white outfit, it wasn't hard for me to guess that they were none other than bunch of some politicians, whom else should we expect in the Writers building other than them. They were followed by some police officers and guards. May be they were important people. I looked at Rishi hoping he might know what was going on but he seemed to be unaffected by all these as he was busy completing that game level. After few mins more I again noticed those men coming out from a room but this time there was a young guy with them. Rishi got distracted by the noise of their footsteps and finally looked towards the corridor. Rishi turned his head towards me and asked me in a great excitement "Hey isn't that Abhinav Rathore, the son of the PM?". Ya I guess but they didn't show it in the news that he will be coming to Kolkata, I mean each and every activity of the Rathore family creates a headline."Ya, may be Dad can clearly tell us about all that" said Rishi. Abhinav Rathore was the only son of the PM Uday Rathore. Just heard somewhere in the news that he has returned to India after completing his studies from abroad early this year. He actually became a hot topic for the media since the first day. A peon came and told that uncle is done with his meeting and he wants to meet us. We entered into his room, he was having a broad welcome smile on his face. Rishi couldn't control his curiosity and asked uncle "What was Abhinav Rathore doing over here Dad?"
"Oh he was here to discuss about the comming votes and campaigning issues, Mr. PM wants his son get aquainted with all these matters afterall he is only going to carry his father's legacy ahead." I was more interested about knowing the work for which we were here than knowing about those hyprocrites named politicians.
"So Abhinav is the reason I called you two here."
Just hearing that line I was like no matter what, I'm not going to work for any politician, I just hate these corrupted politicians more than anything. But Rishi seemed to be pretty interested in working for him. Finally I opened my mouth and asked "What kinda work?".
Because I loved you: Chapter 1
Phew finally back at home, being the most popular girl of the college can also be bit tiring. Fourth party of the week and this one was the best. Time for selfies I need to click some of my fab pics to upload them on fb. Though my every pic looks fab afterall I'm Rayesha Roy n I can never look bad.
***Back in present***
I opened my eyes paused for a while, everything was so perfect then. Karan looked at me strangely may be he was thinking if I was kidding about the party part as he has never seen me attending any party or any kind of social events in the last 6 years. I smiled at him n again started narrating my story.
My strict parents always told me that IIT should be my only target n I have to crack it by any means, but then when I cracked the IIT entrance exams I was a free bird as there was no mom n no dad completely away from home. I was definitely an exception among all those nerds n eventually I became the coolest and the most popular girl of the college. But that one guy who always used to put his feet on my dad's shoe whenever I did any mistake was Rishi. Rishi was the son of our family friend Rakesh uncle. I was always compared to him as everyone considered him as the ideal boy and we knew eachother since we were in our diapers. He was always my bestfriend and also my rakhi brother. Even in college he was the topper but my results were deteriorating with every comming exam as I was busy attending parties n going to pubs. It was during the end of my first year of college n I was busy bunking my classes with my friend Mehak, when all of a sudden I got a call from Rishi and as always when I recieved the call he started yelling at me for bunking classes n then he finally told me that Rakesh uncle wants to meet me n Rishi as he has some work for us. I was confused aswell as nervous God knows what work Rakesh uncle wants us to do.
Friday, 15 November 2013
Random post
Heya! After soo many months I really felt the need of jotting down my feelings as they were piling up to form a mountain inside me. So many crazy stuffs were just happening in my life that I didn't even get a break. Even now I just completed my chemistry revision as I've got my chemistry exam tommorow n now finally giving my head some rest. So thought of writting some random stuff at 2am though its quite early for me to go to bed but ya I've to wake up again in the early morning for revising mah due parts of chemistry. This subject seriously sucks. Anyways so these months I was soooo busy with sooo many stuffs that I lost bit balance n these exams matter how much time we are given for preparation its always the night before the exam :P sooo many good things happened n also bad I lost a very close friend of mine last week. Its true that distance kills all relations but I madly miss her. We last met kinda 8 months back when she came here in Bengal. I miss all those fundays with her n also her last day of 8th grade before leaving school. And also I miss being her song critic. She was the best n always will be. Okay but I don't end this post on a sad note from today onwards I'll try to post random stories n stuffs with lesser gaps. :) bye or else I'm goin to oversleep in the morning n eventually fail :'0...Nooo thats a complete No No. So chow see ya soon :)
Thursday, 22 August 2013
Buried Somewhere Inside My Heart
I had a crush on you from the very first day of the High School. I never got the guts to take a step towards you as you were the most popular guy of the class. You hardly noticed me but I was your classmate since past 6 years. It was quiet obvious as I wasn't as hot as your girlfriend. I was just another normal girl who always dreamt big and loved living in her world of imagination. Years passed and we were in 12th grade, time changed but my feelings for you remained the same. It was school's annual function when you pranked by giving my name for the singing performance without my concern. I had always been a shy girl but it was for the first time that your prank discovered the biggest talent in me, my singing talent. It was the best day of my life not because that I gave a good performance but because it was for the first time you talked to me. After that day even others started noticing me. Gradually I also became popular just like you. U started being friendly with me, we became friends, good friends. My last year of school was definitely the best year of my entire school life and later also the worst. I could realise I was changing, my friend circle changed as I belonged to the popular gang then. Last day of school and I finally proposed you after 7 long years. I tried my best to express what I exactly felt for you but you made all those words so silly when you said that we can be nothing more than friends. You used me to make your ex gf jealous. I was lost, I was heart broken, hurt and I had all the world's ugliest feelings inside me. I saw you again for the first time after 8years. You were standing silently in the crowd which was shouting and screaming my name during my concert. My first song which was a major hit was actually about you, about my first heart break. Thank you so much for giving me this life. I love it a lot. I know you want me now but its too late I can't look back when I have so much to look forward for. I loved you and I will always love you but don't know why that feeling for you got buried somewhere inside my heart.
Thursday, 8 August 2013
When life takes a new turn: Chapter 9
Aditiya was bit puzzled to see me just before our wedding day where according to the hindu rituals meeting the to be bride or bridegroom before the wedding day is regarded as a bad luck. Definitely something really bad was going to happen n we both could sense it. I didn't beat up the bush n told Aditiya all about me n Sid. I couldn't understand his reactions but I'm sure he was definitely hurt. I was feeling guilty but I was helpless, I felt this short term feeling of guilt was better than having it for the rest of my life after our marriage. Aditiya's parents were roaming outside his room I guess they were trying to figure out about what we were talking that also just before the day of our marriage. After I finished my whole story I looked at him but he just said that its too late n I should go back home. My heartbeat nearly stopped for a while -
Is he still goin to marry me even after knowing that I love someone else? I was furious at him but I was not in a situation to burst out at him as some where I knew that it was my mistake n I don't have the right to react like that. I drove back home. I called Sid n told him everything that happened. He was also worried n later came up with the world's worst idea of running away and getting married in a temple or like that. It was a complete NO from myside for that. I couldn't hurt my parents, thats impossible. It was the day, the worst day of my life, everyone in my house were so happy but I couldn't still accept the harsh truth of my life that I'm going to marry someone else but not Sid. I gulped up that truth n decided to go with the flow. I was ready in the bridal attire then Mom came into the room n asked me to be strong. The entire house was full with my closed ones but only Mom knew in how much pain I was. Even she couldn't stop the marriage as it was already too late. Few hours left n my life would entirely change after that. I could hear some footsteps comming towards my room, it was Sid. I didn't want to see his face then. His presence made the whole thing even more difficult. Mom left us alone even uttering a single word.
"I want to talk to your Dad"
-"Noways I've never seen him this much happy before, this is the best day of his life and I don't want to hurt him no matter what."
We eventually got into a fight when suddenly my aunt rushed into my room n said that everything was over, Aditiya called off the marriage the last moment as he loves someone else so he can't marry me. I had a mixed feeling. I didn't know how to react. Aditiya definitely lied to his family for me. Guests had already started coming. I went to Dad's room where he was sitting all alone n it was for the first time I saw tears in his eyes. When he saw me he completely broke down n started blaming himself for everything. At that very moment Sid entered into the room n asked my hand for marriage from my Dad. Me n Dad both looked at him in astonishment. Dad's tears of sorrow turned into the tears of joy. May be that was the best moment of my life. The dark shadow miraculously went away n my entire house glimmed with happiness once again. Before that day I never knew that Sid's parents know everything his feelings for me n they fully supported him after they came to know about his decision of marrying me. We finally tied the knot. It has been 4 months since we got married n I must admit that I was never this much happy. I just got the news that Cyra n Arjun are also going to tie the knot soon . And this time Avi is very much serious about his relationship with Anisha. I called Aditiya to thank him for everything that he did for me and I came to know that he met a really nice girl whom he has even introduced to his parents. I was really happy for him n I finally got released from that horrible feeling of guilt. Avi was wrong I got my Prince Charming may be my life wasn't a fairytale but still it had a happy ending.
Monday, 29 July 2013
When life takes a new turn: Chapter 8
I lost all my controll. I returned back home n the first thing that I did is to hug Mom n I cried my heart out. I told her whatever has happened. She was shocked but I somehow felt that she already knew that this gonna happen someday, may b a Mother can foresee her child's fate. 4 days have passed n just 1day left for my wedding. I should be excited n happy but I wasn't. Actually I tried hard but unfortunately I couldn't. These 4 days were the hardest days of my life. May be my phone became tired by recieving numerous calls n texts from Sid. It was at 6pm when my aunt told me a girl came to meet me. I went to the hall room n saw Akanksha was sitting their. I was bit shocked as I was expecting her to turn up on my wedding day not a day before but still somewhere in my heart I was happy to see her after a long time. She stood up n gave me a gentle hug, actually this was our first hug.
"After a long time" said Akanksha.
-"I'm glad that you made time to visit my place"
She smiled but this wasn't her typical evil smile rather it seemed lik a gentle one.
"Kriya I'm here to tell you something"
-"What's that? Is everything okay?"
"Ya...Actually not. Kriya do you know why did I and Sidharth break off?"
-"No, I don't."
"Actually it was because of you that we broke off"
-"I...I was the reason behind your break up? But how?"
"The truth is that Sid was never in love with me."
-"But you were his girlfriend."
"Ya I know but he never loved me."
-"Then why were you in a relationship with each other?"
"There was nothing between us but infatuation. He fell for you the very first day u guys met. I knew everything but I tried to overlook as I didn't want to loose from you. It's true that I never loved him though."
-"Do you even know what you are saying? Did Sid tell you to say all these stuffs?"
It was a long conversation, Akanksha told me all the truth n how a misunderstanding ended up them being in a relationship. Akansha left but I felt like my heap of confusions is turning into a huge mountain of trouble. I drove to Sid's house as I really needed to talk to him. He was happy, shocked n confused all at the same time. We started with a normal conversation but landed up in a huge arguement. We argued
vitriolically before
surrendering to our true feelings for each other. Tomorrow is my wedding with Aditiya n here I'm confessing my love for someone else. I decided to talk to Aditiya as he has the right to know each n everything about me n Sid. Afterall I would never want to destroy an innocent person's life for my selfishness. I took a deep breathe n rang the bell of Aditiya's house.
Thursday, 25 July 2013
When life takes a new turn: Chapter 7
I didn't know what to say, it was Sid. It was hard for me to forget him n accept the hardest truth that Sid never felt the way I felt for him. And I took the hardest decesion to marry Aditiya. Sid finally broke the silence ," Hey am Sidharth hopefully you haven't deleted my number, I heard that you are getting married."
"Ya Dad went at your place yesterday n invited your whole family, I wish to see even you on my big day."
-"Hmm ya m happy for you, he might be your dream guy right?" he sounded low. After a long pause I said,"Ya"
I wanted to scream n tell him no he is not the one with whom I want to spend rest of my life with. He is not my dream guy nor he can ever be as it was always you n it will be only you.
-"He is very lucky that he is going to have you as his life partner"
I had nothing more n tears rolled down my cheeks
"Sid I think Mom is calling so I gotta go"
-"I'm over here now so can we meet for once before you become someone else's?" he chuckled but still he was sounding different.
I didn't want to meet him I know that I won't be able to hide my true feelings for him if he comes in front of me now.
"I don't think thats possible"
-"Please just for once, it has been months that we haven't seen each other."
"Okay then tomorrow evening, you decide the place."
-"Great I will text you the name of the place then."
We bidded each other Good night n disconnected the phone.
I got Sid's text where he told me to meet him at a nearby restaurant at 6pm.
I was excited, bit nervous n also scared. Finally I reached there n saw Sid was waiting outside for me. I was seeing him after 10 months but it felt like I haven't seem him for 10 years or more. He hugged me n we went inside. I was bit confused as the whole restaurant was empty n there
was just two of us. Then an attendance came n told that the whole place is booked for us n guided us to a table.
"Why did you book this whole place?"
-"Because I wanted to talk to you"
"So what do you wanna talk about?"
-"Oho I'll tell you later but at first have the food"
Throughout the dinner I was busy guessing what Sid would have to tell me. We completed our dinner n suddenly a song from my favourite band Lady Antebellum started n the lights got turned off. Then a slideshow of photos of Sid with me started on the TV screen. I was clueless about the whole thing n I started looking for Sid but he just got disappeared. The slideshow ended n the lights got turned on n I could see Sid. He walked towards me n bended down on his knees n said those magical words for which I was dieing to hear for so long. Ya he proposed me, I felt like as if I have went back to my dream land where everything was perfect n my Prince Charming was standing right next to me. But the sword of reality slayed my dream into pieces. I turned back n went away from there without even saying a single word. I know these things have no meaning now only five days are left for my marriage n I can't turn it down any way. I was helpless, I was trapped in my world of emotions.
Friday, 19 July 2013
When life takes a new turn: Chapter 6
I was hoping all day long that time heals every wound n my this wound will also be healed by time. One night I got Sidharth's call he was sounding low, he broke up with Akansha. I was shocked but I didn't ask him about the reason as I don't wanna mess with their lives. I didn't know shall I be happy that now I have a chance to get Sidharth or shall I be sad that he is totally broken now. I was confused but decided to help him rather. I tried to contact Akansha but she didn't recieve my call, it was quite obvious that she would have never recieved a call from her biggest enemy at that time. Then I called Avi, hoping that he will definitely come up with a solution. Avi told me to be with him thats all Sid really needed that time. I tried every possible way to cheer Sid up but there was something which was stopping him to be normal. I sent him hundred messsages n tried to call him numerous time but his phone was comming switched off. He didn't even cared to reply back or contact me. I was worried, I was broken n I didn't have a single clue why he was doing this to me. Was he trying to avoid me? But what was my mistake? Days changed to months but there was not even a single text from him, he never even bothered to contact me. Then I gave up finally n finally called his friend Vishal n he told me that Sidharth when back to London a month back. I didn't have any word left, he went away but never cared to tell me even once about this. I tried every possible way n in the mean time another marriage proposal came on my way n I said a yes without even thinking twice about it, afterall I didn't want to disappoint my parents once again n now I don't have any excuses left to reject Aditiya. For whom I'd have rejected him for? I made my heart strong n promised I won't turn back. A week left before my marriage with Aditiya. Everyone in my family was so happy so I tried hard to put a smiling face on me but I couldn't. Mom knew that something was wrong. But she rather preffered to leave me alone may be because she was afraid that it will ruin everyone's happy moment. Still she asked me whether everything was allright n I nodded my head saying yes n told her that I was upset as I don't wanna leave them. She seemed to be relieved n hugged me. At night I saw an unknown number flashed on my cell phone's screen. I didn't recieved the call at first but then finally recieved the call n an known voice from the other side said, "Hello". My eyes became moist I was sure he was none other than Sidharth.
Sunday, 14 July 2013
When life takes a new turn: Chapter 6
That night Sidharth texted me just to say sorry once again. This was the begining of our new friendship. We used to chat every night, we even went out for dinner few times along with our friends. I started to call him Sid. But I could realise that my crush on him is getting even bigger day by day. One day he told me that his girlfriend is comming to India so he wants me to meet her, I wasn't that excited to meet his girlfriend anyway but I agreed to it because I didn't want him to give any clue about my real feelings for him. The day came, I n Avi were waiting for Sid n his gf in a restaurant, after a while I could see Sid entering n also a girl with him, seeing her I felt like that my world went upside down as she was none other than Akansha Banerjee, the person I hate the most in this whole world. We were in the same school n she was my classmate, we couldn't stand eachother. Actually we were busy competing with each other in our school days but now how can she be Sid's gf? Avi was continuosly poking me sayin," Isn't that Akansha of our school?". I didn't utter a single word as I was literally in shock. Sid n Akansha came closer towards us n finally Sid introduced her to me saying that she is his girlfriend Akansha then Akansha interrupted him n said that we already know eachother as we were classmates in school. Sid gave even a broader smile may be because he thought that we were friends in school days. We had our food n talked about our school days but till the end there was that perticular Akansha Banerjee's evil smile on her face. May be she was happy thinking that I got rejected by the man who belongs to her n this time she won the match in a clear way. Really I was upset, I know that we have grown up now n everything has changed but still there was a feeling of getting defeated by the person you don't like much n that was the most worst feeling I ever had. Avi looked at me as if he could read my mind n knew how much upset I was at that moment. Avi dropped me to my appartment. He wanted to talk but I refused as I wanted to stay alone. I was busy fighting with myself. I was trying hard to supress my feelings for Sid. This weird feeling is totally driving me crazy. Hope things will change with time.
Monday, 24 June 2013
When life takes a new turn: Chapter 5
The next day I went back to my appartment without informing anyone at home. I was so pissed off that I didn't even feel like going to college that day. Later in the evening Cyra n Avi came to my place n tried to cheer me up. Then my Mom's call came n it again ruined my mood. She told me that they have arranged a meeting for me with that guy. I was like WTF is wrong with my life. I remembered even 2days ago my life was just perfect. The day came, mom told me that she has already gave my phone no. to that guy n he will contact me in no minute. My phone rang n an unknown no. flashed on my phone's screen. I was sure that it was his no. I recieved the call n a husky voice said Hello I'm Sidharth...Oh no I didn't even cared to know his name ever before. I confirmed whether he was the guy. He confirmed it by saying "Ya". He told me that he will meet me at Hotel Taj at 1:30a.m. so that we get some scope to know each other. Then we bidded eachother goodbye n disconnected the phone, I actually sounded like a sulky teen during our conversation. I was least interested to meet that guy Sidharth. I wore a white dress n left bit earlier for reaching there in time but this traffic can make you late no matter when you have
started for your destination. Phew! I finally reached there but I am already half n hour late. I parked my car n rushed towards the entrance. I entered into the restraunt area of the hotel n I saw many people sitting there in formal wear I was confused as I had no clue how Sidharth looks like. Unfortunately I can't shout his name over there to know where he is. Suddenly my phone rang n it was Sidharth, I recieved the call n he said that he is sitting on the right cornered table. I could see a guy wearing grey coloured suit sitting on the place he has mentioned but I couldn't see his face from there. I went to that place n stood there still for a while. He hurriedly stood up from his chair n inquired whether I was alright. Though I nodded my head saying a yes but I was shocked because he doesn't at all look like the guy I have imagined. The first thing that I felt when I saw Sidharth was that he is my Mr.Right n I want him at any cost no matter what happens. May be this is what we call as love at first sight. We ordered our food n I started the coversation by apologising for being late. He said that it wasn't a big deal as the traffic over here sucks. He is bit reserved kind of person n talks very less. We both kept quiet as we didn't know what to talk about or we were just feeling shy. We had already completed the main course n was waiting for the desert when Sidharth broke the silent saying that he doesn't want this thing to go any further as he already has a girlfriend n today he came here to meet me just because his aunt has forced him to do so. I felt like my whole world turned upside down. My whole body was numb n I didn't know what to say. With a lot of difficulty I controlled my tears n said him that it doesn't really matter as even I was least interested about this whole marriage proposal thing. He seemed relived n apologised to me. I wanted to ran away from that place as soon as possible so I pretended that I had to go to the hospital urgently n left that place. Tears tripped down my cheeks. Avi was alwayz right that I will never get my Prince Charming as those are only possible in the fairytales not in real life. I still couldn't believe that a guy rejected me on my face, this was the very first time I felt the bitter feeling of getting rejected. I wondered that the girl whom he loves must be really lucky as she has my Mr.Right.
Saturday, 22 June 2013
When life takes a new turn: Chapter 4
Time flew like an arrow n with time Avi, Cyra, Anisha, Suraj n I became the closest buddy n the most popular group of the college. I n Avi won the best fresher title. I was in cloud 9 that time, these events made me more popular even among the seniors. Cyra became my next bestie after Avi, she was like my another sis with whom I could share all the girly probs. I n Cyra spent a lot of beautiful time together within these years, she has became an important part of my life now. I was the happiest person on earth when she found her soulmate, Arjun, Cyra's family friend's son. Avi n Sarala together filled my Mom's absence in this new town. I never thought that a careless n immature guy like Avi can ever be so responsible n behave so maturely. Its very true that people changes with time n Avi was the biggest example. This way 2 years passed n everyone got committed except me n Avi. I waited for my Mr.Right who will be the guy that every girl desires for ie. extremeley handsome, smart, intelligent, rich n so on. Avi used to laugh at me n tease me saying that I sound like a 5 year old girl who is waiting for her Prince Charming of the fairytales. But I ignored him n still believed that he will definitely come to my life one day. I completed my 3rd year in college, one day Mom called me all of a sudden n told me to come back home that day only, she didn't clearly told me what was wrong. I became really tensed n set on the way to home. I reached home and saw several cars were standing in front of my house I got more tensed. My heart beat became faster but then I took a deep breathe n rang the door bell. Our maid Maya opened the door n smiled at me as if I did a big favour to her by comming all the way back home. I went upstairs without asking her what was going on. I saw some people were sitting in the drawing room n Dad n uncle were talking to them. As soon as Mom saw me she grabbed my hand n took me to her room n gave me a saree to wear. I was really confused n asked Mom whats goin on over there n who were those people. She told me that they have came here to see me for their son. I was shocked n my mouth was wide opened. I came back to my senses n started shouting at her, my aunt came into the room hearing my voice n tried to make me understand but I was in a no state to listen to any of her words. Lastly Dad came n calmed me down. Finally Mom wrapped the saree around me n I was made to sit in front of those strangers with a fake smiling face. At first they started asking me some common questions like about my hobbies, likes n all but later ended up asking whether I'm ready for this proposal or not. I kept quiet but there was a big NO written on my face. After an hour of interrogation I was finally released, I straightly went to my room n locked the door. Tears bursted out of my eyes. I didn't want to get married so soon, I mean theres still lot of things left to do in life before getting into a prison named marriage that also without a possibility of parole. Mom n Dad were knocking my room's door but I opened the door after half n hour. My eyes were red and fluffy, it wasn't difficult for them to make out that I was crying. Mom n Dad started giving me lectures about how much marriage is important in life n I'm no more a kid so I should change my childish behaviour n blah blah. But I didn't utter a single word. I just heard two things about the guy ie. he has passed engineering from MIT n was a NRI. These two words were enough to make a complete picture of that guy. I was sure that he would definately be those geeky book worms. Mom even tried to show me his photo but I refused to see anything at that moment. Mom n Dad left my room like defeated soldiers marching off from the battle field. Later I made a conference call to Avi n Cyra n told everything that had happened, I expected some solution from them but unluckily even they were of no use. That night I went off to sleep without taking dinner. This was definitely the worst day of my life.
Friday, 21 June 2013
When life takes a new turn: Chapter 3
So I started the conversation with my benchmate first n came to know that her name is Cyra. She was friendly with me n my perception about her gradually changed. Then prof entered and started giving lectures about vaccines. It was a boring class. In the mean time we got a scope n went to the canteen area as we all were damn hungry. I, Avi, Cyra, Anisha( the girl who sat beside Avi) n Suraj( Avi's new friend) all sat on the same table. We first had an intro session n then started chichatting. After sometimes some seniors came to us n introduced themselves. We were tensed thinking whether they came here for ragging us. But fortunately they came out to be friendly n told us that we can ask them if we need any help. We became relaxed n concentrated on our sandwiches and cold drinks. There was a senior guy named Karan who was trying to be bit too friendly with me. And there Avi started rolling his eyes in a teasing manner. I really felt like giving Avi a face punch at that time. Finally the first day at the college ended with a final lecture. Before heading towards home we all( I,Cyra, Avi, Anisha n Suraj) exchanged our phone numbers. I drove my car outside the college gate n there i saw Dad waiting for me in his car. He gave me a smile n we drove to the new appartment. My appartment was on 6th floor, I rang the bell n there stood a mid aged woman. Dad told me that this is my new maid Sarala. I smiled at her n headed towards my room which was perfectly arranged by me n sis previously. I started missing home, Mom n sis already. When I reached out for my phone n went to call Mom I saw that there were already 11 missed calls from her. I hurriedly called her n told about each n everything that happened at college. Then Sarala called me n told me that Dad is going to leave so he wants to see me. Finally I bid goodbye to Dad n locked myself inside my room untill the dinner time came. I had my dinner n went back to my room. I was feeling lonely when suddenly my phone rang n it was Avi. I was never so happy seeing his call before. We talked for hours till we both felt sleepy. Before going to bed I recieved a good night message from Cyra, n I also wished her good night. Lastly I prayed to God to let things go as smoothly as its going now n went off to sleep.
Thursday, 20 June 2013
When life takes a new turn: Chapter 2
When life takes a new turn:Chapter 1

My favourite fashion pics :)

Its me
Being a teen is the most complicated phase of life trust me. As am still a teen I can very well understand how difficult it actually is. School, friends, family, studies, passion, love, heartbreaks and the list goes on, this is what a teen's life is. We are mainly confused at this phase like about our life, future and all. It feels like none in this world can understand us and we are all alone. This is the time when we fight with our parents the most :-/ I hate this part the most. The main reason for starting this blog is to share my feelings and share with you all what i like to do the most. Just like every teen I am also a music freak I mean a complete freak, crazy whatever you wanna call. The list of my favourite singers never ends. I am also very foody n love to cook. And ya fashion should be a very important part of everyone's life. I consider that first impression is the last impression, so we should be always prepared for everything. I think the best part about me is that am very friendly, I just love making friends :). Like any other teen I also love to dream big, I mean really big lolz. After music the one thing for which I can even die for is gadgets..they make my world :). So ending it here only. I know that my life is not perfect but i just love the way it is ;). My life rocks
Wednesday, 19 June 2013
My first post
So this is my very first post on my very first blog. Super excited ^_^